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Why Do I Need a Power of Attorney for Health Care?

 Posted on June 03,2022 in Divorce / Family Law

geneva estate planning lawyerPlanning ahead for your future medical needs can feel like a daunting proposition and a difficult subject to consider. Nobody wants to think about a time when their own care may be out of their control. However, it is beneficial to ensure that important decisions about your own medical care are in the hands of someone you trust and who knows your wishes. An experienced estate planning lawyer can help you establish a power of attorney for health care and remove some of the uncertainty about your future care.

What a Power of Attorney for Health Care Can Cover

A health care power of attorney allows you to choose an agent, who should be a close family member or trusted friend, who will have the authority to make decisions about your care on your behalf. They will also have access to your medical information to allow for informed decision-making. It will typically take effect if you become incapacitated and unable to make decisions about your own care.

The agent will have the legal power to make important decisions about the type of treatment that you will receive, and your admission or transfer to a hospital, a hospice facility, or other health care location. After your death, the agent would have the power to carry out your wishes about how your remains will be treated, including burial, cremation, and whether to donate your organs.

As part of a power of attorney for health care, you can include a living will or advanced directive, which is a set of instructions to help the agent make decisions about your care. These should be based on your personal beliefs and help the agent clearly understand your wishes. You can include options such as a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order, a Practitioner Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST), or other instructions for end-of-life care. Without these tools, your loved ones may struggle with these difficult and emotional matters.

Trust a Kane County Lawyer for Medical Power of Attorney

A health care power of attorney and a power of attorney for property to help manage your financial and property matters are important parts of a well-rounded estate plan. To start the important conversation about estate planning, including establishing a power of attorney for health care, contact the offices of Loire Krajniak Law, LLC. Our Geneva estate planning attorneys can help you plan ahead to ensure that your decisions about your health care are followed and that your loved ones are well-informed of your wishes and beliefs. Contact us at 630-448-2406 for your free consultation today.



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